Hope is the Thing with Feathers…

Posted: April 25, 2012 in Adventures, Film, Health, Music
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Blah.  The weather outside is heavy & grey, perfect match for my mood.  Actually, I wish it would storm, inclement weather energizes me.  Why am I down in the dumps?  Thanks for asking, my lovely Wasteland Wanderers.  Ranger Mike & I “splurge” two nights every week; we eat a meal that doesn’t fall in line with our normal clean eating (organic, non-GMO, non processed/refined, no refined sugar).  So we’ll get pizza, burgers, Mexican, or “lesser splurges” of Indian, teriyaki w/brown rice, etc.  RM was scheduled off work yesterday & today, so we were going to live it up with take out & video games tonight once I got home.  Poor boy called me during my lunch break to say he’d been called in to cover someone’s shift.  What the?  Awwwwww…disappointment.  He’s already scheduled to work Thurs & Fri nights, so in essence, I won’t see him for more than an hour a day until Saturday afternoon (after I get off work).  Awwwwww…disappointment.

I was already feeling blech, it’s that week, ya know.  But this change of plans turned my mood sour.  Trying to be positive, I asked RM to check the schedule at work & see if the “sick” employee is working Fri night.  If not, I will not rest until she switches shifts with him.  Because that’s only fair.  You see, at my husband’s company, if the managers can’t find someone else to cover your shift, you don’t get to call out sick.  Nope, you come in, snot & all.  It’s happened to RM before.  So if you cover a shift, especially at short notice like RM did today, you are owed a major favor by the other employee.  It’s the code.

Wow, I’m long winded today.  I guess I’m always long winded, oh well.  Anyhoo.  The thought of RM possibly having Friday night off gave me hope.  And hope trumps everything else.



Hope is like sunshine piercing through the clouds of despair, depression…which is why it’s always described as a “ray” of hope.  The following are my hopes for today, what remains of it.


I hope I don’t get sick – I’ve been working in close quarters with someone who has acute bronchitis


I hope I sleep well tonight – last night I had an oddly stressful dream that involved Sean Bean opening a comic book store in downtown Long Beach.  And a flood or tsunami, I can’t quite remember, but there was a lot of water involved.


Sean Bean is coming...to a comic book store near you!


I hope my hair grow fast & thick – if not, at least I’ve finally found a model with Muppet hair like mine


Iceland's Kolfinna Kristofersdottir


I hope diet & exercise pay off – I’ve been working out & counting calories 5 days/week, hoping to tone up my jiggly bits before bikini weather.  Not that I will be basking in the sun, but that’s a post for another day.


My goal abs


I hope that mercy touches the hearts of those who wish us harm – For the first time in my life, I prayed for someone to die; not out of mercy to relieve his suffering, but to relieve the suffering he inflicts on his own family.  But the humbling of a spiteful heart would be just as good (maybe better?)



I hope for our world-family – that I can do my best to even the scales, to dry tears & lift the weary


I hope they keeping smiling


I hope Ranger Mike has an easy shift, finds a good parking spot after, & returns home safely to me.


See? I feel better already.  What did you hope for today?  I hope that life is blessing you with all that you need, because what’s the point of surviving the apocalypse if you can’t wander the Wasteland with friends?



Rock-it Ruby signing off.


Media courtesy of IGNentertainment, liveforfilms.com, anothermag.com, people.com, KatyPerryVEVO, seympeace.org, falloutwikia.com

  1. Jennifer says:

    I know it sucks …. we have been there, literally same company…. just remember its a little extra money at least.

  2. LOVE this post… like President Snow said, “Hope is the only thing stronger than fear”.. hoping all our hopes and dreams come true… funny how some hope to be famous, hope to be envied, hope to be rich, hope to have the latest and greatest technology thingy.. and you and i just hope for things so many take forgranted. My biggest hope at the moment is to have no regrets.. this post inspired me to make a “to do” list of stuff i need to tackle from healthier lifestyle to making my biggest hopes come true. Hopefully this is the spark to a chain reaction 🙂

  3. rockitruby says:

    Weasel, glad I could inspire you the way you inspire me. I’ll raise my torch to no regrets. Let’s start the fire!!

  4. Chin up, my favorite red-head. “Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors.”

What do you have to say about that?