Archive for September, 2013

Stylin’ Saturday

Posted: September 28, 2013 in Style/ Beauty
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Good morning & Happy Saturday, Wasteland Warriors.  Yes, it is only early o’clock,, but that’s sleeping in for me these days (normal wake up call if 5am for exercise before work).  I feel like a kid wobbling on a bicycle without training wheels for the first time; I’m really out of practice with my fashion critiques.  I actually stopped doing Stylin’ Saturdays because I treated myself to a celebrity black out for a couple months…which turned into the better part of a year.  I stopped looking at tabloids (for the fashion/beauty news), stopped visiting People and even GoFugYourself — which had been my after work de-stressor for years.  You see, Wasteland Wanderers, living in So Cal, the news is inundated with Miley Cyrus/Lindsey Lohan/Justin Beiber/whoever’s daily movement.  When you see a breaking news story about Beyoncé’s new weave followed by a report of 100 people killed in a roadside bombing or two children kidnapped & murdered the next city over, the triviality of celebrity life just hits you as a waste of time & resources.

However, that being said, the horrors & drudgery of daily life need to be counterbalanced by a wee bit of humor.  So after several gentle nudges from friends (thanks Jenni4!!), I’m getting back on the horse.  Please bear with me while I get my snark gland primed, I’m hoping to have my witty repartée up to full force by Awards Season in January.  Click on thru for the return of Stylin’ Saturday!


The Big Two-Oh-Oh

Posted: September 12, 2013 in Adventures
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That title comes across a wee bit dirty, oops.

Yes, Wasteland Wanderers, this is my 200th blog post!  It’s taken 2+ years to get here, but I’m proud of it, & grateful that you’ve come along for the ride.  I’ve had a special post topic in the works for months now, & thought about doing a give-away or something fancy, but life kept spinning away from me.  Though I don’t have a gift card to raffle or a media filled post to dazzle you, if you’ll read on, I’ll tell you what I’ve been up to the last few months…

